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Case Study

Commercial Lighting

Bondi Strata Gets Immediate Payback

Bondi Strata

As the lighting in this Bondi strata building was used 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the energy use was reduced by a massive 85% after an energy efficient lighting upgrade. While these numbers are impressive on their own, the cost of the upgrade was also covered under the NSW Energy Savings Scheme.

Energy Savings

$6,421 / Year


324 Certificates

Payback Period


The Project

An eight storey strata plan property in Sydney’s Bondi Junction sought to upgrade its lighting to energy efficient technology in an effort to reduce energy costs. As the lighting in the building was used 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the available savings were substantial and the payback immediate thanks to Ecovantage and the Energy Savings Scheme.

Bondi Strata

The Solution

Ecovantage replaced 71 50w halogen downlights with 63 Carinda 7.6w Series 8 lights and eight Phillips 10.5w LED globes. By replacing 50w halogens with highly efficient LED downlights on a combination of magnetic and electronic transformers in the common areas throughout the building, energy use was reduced by a massive 85%.

The new lights also ensure quality of light in the building is maintained. The energy reduction amounts to a saving of $6,421 per annum (based on electricity charge of $0.21/kWh). Maintenance costs will be significantly reduced due to the longer life of LED globes. The upgrade also saved 2,500kg per month in carbon emissions.

While these numbers are impressive on their own, by utilising the NSW Energy Savings Scheme the cost of the upgrade was also covered.

Energy Savings Scheme

The NSW government’s Energy Savings Scheme is designed to reduce electricity costs by encouraging the uptake of energy efficient technology. Ecovantage is accredited under the scheme to create a ‘rebate’ value in the form of Energy Saving Certificates (ESCs), which represent the carbon abatement achieved through the uptake of energy efficient measures. The value of ESCs is set by the market.

The Outcome

In the case of the apartment building in Bondi Junction, 324 Energy Saving Certificates were created by Ecovantage as part of the Energy Savings Scheme. This covered the entire cost of the upgrade; so over $6000 in annual electricity charges were achieved at no cost – highlighting the major opportunities available in the commercial space through the use of the Energy Savings Scheme and the uptake of energy efficient technology.

Key Benefits of the Lighting Upgrade

  • 324 Energy Saving Certificates achieved through Government incentive schemes.
  • 2,500kg per month in carbon emissions saved.
  • Immediate return on investment.


Find out more about energy efficiency schemes in the following locations