Control Your Energy Future with Battery Storage.

If you are exploring a new solar setup for your business, including a battery is a must to capitalise on the clean energy you create. If your building already has solar, retrofitting a battery can bridge the gap between self-generated energy and grid use, further reducing energy costs.

Speak with one of our Specialists to get started today. 

Sungrow Batteries

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Why Incorporate a Battery.

Where solar creates electricity during the day, a battery stores the electricity so you can use it when the sun has gone down. This is often considered on-peak, attracting higher rates and can rely on fossil fuel energy generation. 

A solar + battery system supports the sustainability and energy goals over the lifetime of the hardware, with growing returns over time in line with rising energy costs. Once your energy consumption is reduced, from upgrades such as lighting, water heating and HVAC, a battery can take your business further along the sustainability journey to cover greater energy usage, and even feed electric vehicle chargers.

Below is an example of production-consumption throughout the day with surplus electricity feeding into the grid, compared to using the surplus to charge a battery for use when panels aren’t generating electricity.

Solar PV without a battery
Solar output and self consumption graph

Battery + Solar.

Batteries in Power.

Big4 battery setup

BIG4 Apollo Bay Pisces Holiday Park needed to cut energy costs, reduce their environmental footprint, and ensure uninterrupted service for their guests in case of emergencies.

Ecovantage set out to deliver a comprehensive solution, and our specialists recommended a solar and battery installation, a solution perfectly suited to meet the energy efficiency and reliability goals. Combining 65kW of LONGi 550W solar panels, with 50kW of Sungrow inverters and a 19.2kWh hour battery proved to be a game-changer.

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Why Choose Ecovantage.

Specialist Support.

Our national team has years of experience delivering solar projects, battery integration projects and accessing financial energy certificate incentives. Our direct relationships with product manufacturers and supplier networks means we have access to the latest technologies. We are product-agnostic and deliver tailored solutions that best meet your business’ needs. Our inhouse team includes electricians, engineers, project managers and certificate generators, so you know you’ll have a team of specialists working on your project.

Our comprehensive approach, from site assessments to installation and maintenance help to reduce costs, meet compliance needs and sustainability ambitions, all while taking control of your energy future. Speak with a specialist to get started today.

Ecovantage logomark

End-to-End Solutions.

Supporting you from site assessment and product supply to certificate generation and trading.

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There are many kinds of tradable environmental attributes that represent a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This short video will explain them.

Don’t want to watch? Read the transcript here.

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