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Case Study

QLD Home Solar and Hot Water

Solar and heat pump for maximum savings.

New Homeowners from Eumundi


Lifetime Savings



Payback Period

< 2 years

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Annual Reduction in CO2 Footprint

15 tonnes

Recent data from the Clean Energy Regulator shows that Australia has the highest uptake of solar electricity globally with one in four homes having installed panels on their roof. Improving technology has made this energy source increasingly affordable and efficient.

Solar VEECs FAQs

The Multi-Technology Project.

Two first home buyers from Queensland were helped by Ecovantage to install solar panels and a heat pump hot water system at their new home in Eumundi.

This upgrade will reduce their grid energy consumption by producing their own electricity, and the replacement of gas hot water to electric will remove gas usage completely. 

The investment in solar will also allow the couple to leverage further toward electric vehicles and batteries over the next few years.

Did You Know?

Residents of Eumundi experience one of the most ideal climates and highest sunshine levels in the world, averaging approximately 7 hours of sunshine a day. Queenslanders are afforded an opportunity to take advantage of their exposure to nature’s best and cleanest energy source while also saving up to $1,800 on their electricity (and gas) bills each year.

Solar panels on a roof

The Outcome.

Not only will the new system avoid any gas bills, but the solar and heat pump combination will allow them to get a credit for any excess power from now on. 

Over the 20 year plus lifespan of these solar panels, the residents are expected to generate 269,820 kWh (over $36,000) and will have a payback period within 2 years. 

The multi-technology upgrade will not just save money, it has also reduced their household carbon footprint by an estimated 15 metric tonnes of CO2 each year!

Key Benefits.

  • Payback period of less than two years
  • Lifetime savings of up to $36,000
  • Carbon footprint reduced by 15 tonnes of CO2

Energy Efficiency Products & Tech

Solar – How It Works.

Energy Efficiency Products & Tech For Your Home

Heat Pump Hot Water – How It All Works.


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