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Case Study

Warehouse & Outdoor Lighting

Randwick City Council Bowen Library Reduce Energy Use By 74%

Randwick City Council

After an energy-efficient LED lighting upgrade, Randwick City Council Bowen Library reduced energy usage by a massive 74%, with 248 tonnes of C02 saved per year.

Energy Savings

$63,890 / Year

Lighting Energy Savings


Payback Period

1.9 Years

The Project

The Lionel Bowen Library and Community Centre in Maroubra comprises a library, community rooms and offices. Ecovantage was engaged to help reduce overall energy consumption and improve the quality of the lighting in the community library space and council offices. An additional challenge was to deliver the upgrade out of hours to minimise disruption to the day to day activities of the library, community rooms and offices.

Randwick Library

The Solution

Ecovantage was able to provide over $33,000 in rebates to help offset the cost of the lighting upgrade under the NSW Energy Savings Scheme.

A test area was first installed on the library floor and feedback was obtained from the public and library employees to ensure the product selection was appropriate – not only by the technical requirement of standards AS/NZ 1680, but public feedback.

Following the very positive response, full installation was completed outside of hours to ensure the busy day to day activities were not disrupted. To ensure council requirements were consistently met throughout the various spaces and uses a flexible product selection approach was adopted.

Even then, installation was still completed on time and within budget.


The Outcome

In addition to the improved lighting outcome, a huge reduction in energy use and cost was delivered by upgrading over one thousand lights throughout the complex. This will result in an annual saving of over $60,000 per year or close to a quarter of a million dollars during the expected life of the LED lights.

All products were supplied by our Australian lighting partners Emerald Planet and Enlighten.

Along with attractive financial results, the upgrade makes the centre considerably more eco friendly, with 248 tonnes of CO2 saved per year.  Importantly all of the old fluorescent tubes and other lamps, many containing mercury and other toxic elements were diverted from landfill and recycled.

Key Benefits of the Lighting Upgrade

  • Rebates of $33,000 achieved through Government incentive schemes.
  • A total of 1,073 lights were replaced with energy-efficient LEDs.
  • Longer lifetime of LED expected to deliver maintenance savings of $7,760 p.a.
  • Energy usage reduced by 74% saving an expected $63,890 p.a.
  • Total payback period of only 1.9 years.


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