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What is Measurement & Verification

The climate is changing around us. And the conversation around it is getting louder. The need for sustainable solutions and cooperation from all walks of life is certain. But for businesses, playing our part isn’t always straightforward. Our objective is clear but the pathway often isn’t. It’s not as simple as turning off a light or two. But with the right help, reducing your emissions can be easier than you think. 

Especially when it comes to Measurement and Verification.

A vital step in any energy efficiency plan, Measurement and Verification is the analysis of data around any upgrades, actions or installations. This data gives you the information needed to be sure of your project’s success. From cost savings and total energy reduction, to earning government certificates, you’ll know where you and your business stand.

Measurement occurs in two stages. The ‘before’ and the ‘after’.

Site specific data is combined with energy consumption data to create a baseline energy model representing the ‘before’ period; the time before any energy efficiency upgrades take place. These upgrades could include anything from LED lighting and Heating and Cooling, to renewable energy generation.

Once upgrades are implemented, an operating energy model represents the period “after’.

Then, comparing the two models side-by-side, you can clearly see how your actions have reduced emissions and energy usage.

This in turn allows verification of your project – that it’s working as expected and will continue to do so.

But one of the main benefits of verification is the generation of certificates. Tradeable assets representing your energy reduction, certificates can be used to offset or reduce the upgrade costs. Saving you money. And they’re only generated once your project is verified.

So, with your verification (and certificates) in hand, you’re free to move forward, knowing you’re one step closer to your energy goals.

So, let’s make the most of Measurement and Verification and get in touch with the team of data experts at Ecovantage today.

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